Monday, August 15, 2011

My Commencement Speech (Originally posted on Tuesday, June 14, 2011)

If I am ever asked to speak at a graduation ceremony my speech would go something like this...

Wake up every day and make good decisions.  Go to bed every night with no regrets.  Treat all people with respect and kindness.  Remember that the choices you make today will impact your future in ways that are impossible to comprehend at the moment.  Keep in mind that these are NOT the best years of your life and nobody on their 20th high school reunion wants to be that person who peaked in high school.  As you leave your childhood behind and make the initial steps into adulthood you have the opportunity to completely own your destiny.  No matter what kind of childhood you had, what kind of parents you had, how you were treated in high school that door is closed...what door you open next is completely up to you.  Decide who you want to be and go be it. 

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